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Books: Children   foreword by Frederik Schroyens  
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what the others think

Dr Roberto Petrucci’s book fills a void in homeopathic practice, namely a work that details the application of our remedies in children.

It is a well thought out book and comes out of experience and vision. He has incorporated many new remedies and ideas into the book and makes it very practical in its application. The repertory adds to the utility of the book. I found the work very interesting, practical and I am sure it will find its rightful place in Homeopathic practice.

Rajan Sankaran - India


After a long period a learned and experienced friend of mine Dr. Roberto Petrucci who I now know since quite a long time has written a repertory and materia medica of childrens remedies in the most scholarly manner.

What impresses me the most is the various headings in which the repertory (children concepts) is written purely from the practical point of view.

Some of the sections which I feel most important are non verbal symptoms, family attitude, night observations during, psycho-somatic disorders. Since children do not reveal verbally many things we need to develop and understand non verbal language this is so well explained in simple language by Dr Roberto. There are many rubrics and remedies which I myself was ignorant of and this really helped me to sharpen my skills.

In conclusion, I believe the creation of this repertory of children concepts is both inevitable and indispensable if the homoeopathic community truly wishes to take homoeopathy into the next level of scientific maturity.  

The potential benefit of processing this book is so wide that I can’t wait to see it come about.

Farokh Master – India


Improving and expanding the homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory is an enormous task. Like the construction of the 'Sagrada Familia' the development of the basic homeopathic works requires an ongoing building process including many generations of dedicated homeopaths. This contribution by Roberto Petrucci is not only safely built on the sound foundation laid down by Hahnemann and confirmed through years of practice, but also solid enough for others to expand on.

Harry Van Der Zee – Holland


I want to congratulate Roberto on this very elaborate and skilful work. It shows that “he raises his pen” after many years of patient work and observation and not out of a premature homeopathic ego as we had to see many times in the last two decades. I can absolutely agree with  Roberto’s statement that case-taking in small children or babies has been too often non-satisfactory. And I can well imagine that such a broadly and thoroughly structured concept can be of surprising use for us all. The reference to  the original author behind every rubric gives this book a special credit in my opinion, as it allows the user to distinguish between authors he estimates and those he does not (yet) have a really firm opinion on.

I like the thrilling idea to try and use such a new pediatric repertory written by someone who has the knowledge, the experience and the seriousness to base upon the old masters but to give a chance to new ideas.

I wish “Children concepts” a successful distribution also in my country.

Wolfgang Springer - Germany


Let’s recall some parts from the third paragraph of Hahnemann’s Organon: “If the method can clearly perceive what needs to be cured in each illness – that is, in each individual case of illness – if it’s able to perceive the healing element in remedies –in each particular remedy...”. There is no doubt about it: the Master suggests this kind of work. Getting to know patients in an intimate manner and getting to know medicines in an intimate manner, so that the prescription, when the law of similitude is accomplished, leads to the cure. Simple in appearance, though practice proves it’s not. Homeopaths have proved that what needs to be cured is not the same in every patient. Only knowledge, stemming from a deep study of the remedy, can tells us how each of them is able to heal. And, as Kent has taught us, “doctors  must be able to see that what causes the action of falling ill goes from the center to the periphery, from a patient’s innermost part to his outermost levels”. As we see it, a man’s innermost part lies in his mind, in his illusions, which lead him to judge himself erroneously, thus giving him a wrong view of his psoric handicap and, subsequently, of his own suffering in relation to the rest and to his environment. This is an ideal knowledge we not always are able to achieve – less so when it comes to treating children.

That is why Dr. Petrucci’s work – tidy, comprehensive, detailed – appears with the magnificence of those great, irreplaceable books which are central to any homeopathic library. In addition, it is pleasant to read and organized by subjects, which consitutes an  original idea. We homeopaths should be grateful to Dr. Petrucci, for his work will help us all to accomplish what Hanehmann states in the first paragraph of his Organon when, alone in our office everyday, we face the delicate and difficult task of restoring the health of a fellow man.

Dr. Zalman Bronfman - Argentina


Dr. Petrucci created a practical and unique tool based on reliable information of our masters and his clinical experience. It will help students to deepen their understanding of the remedies and also homeopaths in their daily practice to stimulate the lifeforce of their patients with the correct remedy.

Manfred Braig - Germany

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